Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is it spring yet?

Hello fresh produce lovers!

Ricky and I are gearing up for another year at Sheila Bird Farms in Waverly, CO. We are creating this blog in hopes that it will help all of you keep connected to what we are doing and to your food. It is my hope that we will be able to keep you updated weekly as to what is going on at the farm and what veggies will be available at Big Hollow Food Co-op and the farmers market come July.

Ricky and I have been ordering seeds, potatoes and farm tools all winter long. Dreaming of the fresh spring greens; chard, arugula, mustard, Asian and baby lettuces that will cleanse and tone our organs from the heavy foods of winter.

Ricky has already started some baby seedlings in the greenhouse in Laramie and they are about a centimeter tall. On Saturday, March 7th my brother-in-law, Jud, pulled out the tractor from it's long winter nap and rotatilled the farm plot.

We are incorporating ground cover this spring. We spent a great deal of time pulling weeds last year (way too much time); so we are in the process of planting cover crops such as clover, and alfalfa mixes. Then we'll clear a strip and plant in our rows. We'll keep you posted on how that is working!

Waking up to snow this morning I realize we have a bit of winter left. However, as farmers we are thankful for all the moisture that we get. We plan on planting potatoes in April so keep checking back in as we'll have some more news! As the farm gears up you'll be able to check here weekly to see what we are havesting and will have offered at the market.

Hope you all had a good winter and thank you again for your support last year! We are excited for this year and will continue to bring you local, chemical free food from organic seedlings.


danielle, ricky and sheila

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! We will be keeping track of you this spring and summer from our home far far away in Portland Oregon USA where it is never far far away from another rainy day. (NEWS FLASH!! Spring is almost here! The crocuses up, the trees budding out, and there's promise we'll have 60-degree weather and full sun this weekend. We're packing up the truck with little shovels and buckets -- oh! and frisbees! -- and going to the BEACH for a few days! I'm going to learn how to dig for razor clams this year, and the latest fishing report says that the springer [spring Chinook salmon] return from the Pacific will be big, really big this year! Spring Chinook, one of the great foods on the planet. A few select greens would go VERY VERY WELL with our seafood bounty!) Happy Planting!! Mossy Old Shannon
