Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Veggies are coming in now!

Aaah a nice cool morning in Laramie with some much needed rain hopefully on the way. Nice to have the fans in the window pulling in that fresh air. Laramie smells so beautiful when it rains.

Ricky headed to the farm for a day of planting, pulling weeds, tending irrigation and checking out what needs to be picked for the farmers market on Friday.

We've been bringing in potatoes and tomatoes and this week we'll have green beans and garlic as as new additions. The summer squash and cucumbers are starting to take off and things are in limited quantities so come down as close to 3 as you can to get the variety and selection.

We know a lot of you don't get off work until 5 so maybe in the future let's see if we could move the market to Sat. 8 - 12 so everyone can come and enjoy.

Hope to see you at the market!

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